Quick Title Update

A real quick post here as I'm short on time and just realized that today was the start of the next chapter of Chain Melody; Chain the Infamous Chainmaid.

Hi everyone, the story is churning towards it's climax and there is a lot still to happen but this chapter is meant to really focus on Chain and just how dangerous and reckless she really is. As always I make no guarantees about being able to pull it off as I write by the seat of pants and let the characters dictate where the story goes, but I do have plans and so far I'm actual still kind of along my mental outline for the story. Regardless, this should be the last chapter of what I've started dubbing the Stormroot Arc so for everyone who's new to the story let me get the order of events up to make it quick to know where to start to catch up.

Chain the Bandit Eater
Chain the Wild Pawn
Melody of War
Melody of the Builders
Chain the Infamous Chainmaid

Things may start slow for this chapter but hopefully it'll be the longest yet and an enjoyable roller-coaster ride. All the players are in place and their intentions clear so it's time to see how that all plays out. Wish me luck on sticking teh ending everyone and enjoy the climax to the Stormroot Arc ^_^
