Melody of War 13

High above and to the north of the Stormroot Mountains a score of zeppelins that served as the internal supports for Bright Rift airships filled the sky. The largest of the vessels with the zeppelins at its heart was comprised of a full five and was decorated in enough gondola cars, external decks, and framework that also served as corridors to leave most to wonder how the vessel flew at all. The man who had designed the monstrosity however had full confidence in its ability to fly as he stood at the fore of the vessel in the glass enclosed command deck looking out at the night sky.
The man was a contradiction of sorts and as much a hodgepodge of elements as the airship he commanded. He could be considered lanky but such a description would undermine the strength of his figure and posture though he was surely tall and wiry. His gaunt face held a surprisingly soft and beautiful visage from which a pair of silver eyes peered out from under short black hair that spiked about in spite of its weighty and greasy look. Under his bangs his eyes were adorned with a pair of round eyeglasses that were adorned with a series of additionally lenses that could be slid or folded about as needed. The complications of his appearance carried on to his white long coat which was some unholy congregation of military uniform coat, lab coat, and cape with massive epaulettes decorating the already padded shoulders of the garment and held in place by decorative chains. Underneath that showy garment he wore like a cape however the man was dressed much more conservatively in but a black button up shirt with upturned collar and unbuttoned cuffs along with matching slacks and officer boots and a shoulder harness for a short barreled rifle that could be fired while holstered. The man was surely a peacock of sorts but he commanded naught but fear, respect, and awe from all who entered his presence. One such man was a green uniformed soldier of Bright Rift who carried a small radio box with a phone receiver atop a silver plate.
“Professor Beaks, sir. IO Misthead reporting by radio phone.”
“Ah, delightful. I’ve been expecting them.”
A pleased smile twisted from cheek to cheek across Professor Plume Beaks’ face and he turned aside to allow the soldier to kneel beside him. The soldier hesitated for only a moment but quickly regained their composure, or appropriately lost it as Beaks made to make eye contact with them. Wasting not another breath the soldier knelt beside Professor Beaks, lowered their head, and held the silver platter up and out so that the professor might easily take the phone receiver in hand. Beaks did just that after eying the soldier for a long moment in silence and allowing their smile to become more genuine again.
“IO Misthead, it’s delightful to hear from you, as for how delightful that will depend upon the news you’ve brought for me today.”
- You’ll be pleased to know that we’ve made contact with the Chainmaid, Professor. –
The news that Finch’s voice carried across the phone receiver did indeed delight Beaks and his smile grew both in width and satisfaction. His expression would not hold though as Finch continued and provided a reason for disappointment.
- Unfortunately she seemed to be traveling alone and confirmed for us that the eastern Hero was not with her. –
“Misthead, you were doing so well in delighting me but then you had to ruin it.”
On the other end of the radio phone the child soldier broke into a nervous sweat at Beaks’ words. Sitting down at the provided chair at the radio phone booth in the military command center in Cliff Home, Finch swallowed and braced to share even more bad news.
“It gets worse Professor.”
- Worse? I do not believe that is a term you want to use Misthead. Perhaps interesting or even intriguing would be better. I personally prefer fascinating but regardless, ‘worse’ is not a word you should be using. –
Finch swallowed again and had to keep the fear they held for Beaks at bay which was hard enough for a child of only ten springs without having military expectations on top of that. Still, Finch did an admirable job under the circumstances.
“Yes Professor. I should have simply stated that there was more to report.”
- And make it sound so uninteresting? I desire to be delighted Misthead, not bored. –
On the command deck of the airship Beaks withdrew a green apple from somewhere within the recesses of his coat and cleaned it off on the back of the soldier who carried the silver plate and radio phone. Studying the fruit for but a moment Beaks took a slow bite out of it and would have been delighted to know he achieved the desired effect as Finch had to fight from shuddering in fear. As fear still found its way into the child Hero’s voice however Finch could not hide the fear Beaks’ was hoping to hear and the professor smiled gleefully.
“Understood Professor. Um… Well, to continue my report, the Chainmaid refused our offer of going after the Bandit King and would not speak for the absent Hero. I allowed her to depart for now and have left her observation to Kyte at his insistence. However, even he lost track of her.”
That silence that followed Finch’s words made the child seem just that and not a Hero as they squirmed in their seat anxiously awaiting Beaks’ reply. When it was not forth coming Finch risked continuing the report.
“It seemed weird that even considering the Chainmaid’s relic that she would be able to lose Kyte so once I had his word that he had honestly lost her I took the problem to our mages. The suggestion that they came up with since our spies have reported that she is capable of magic and is trained by a sorcerer of some reputation in the craft is that she simply whisked herself away with magic. When I asked them if they had noted any magical activity that would align with that they told me that there have been no changes in the Builders’ Song implying she was using Builder Magic or in the general background energies of magic from the Great Spirit Wells. I thought that was weird too but then they told me that if the Chainmaid is drawing from the Well of Chaos–”
“That that would explain everything.”
On the command deck of the airship Beaks interrupted Finch and smiled with delight.
“Now that is some rather delightful news Misthead. It is uncommon to find any who can draw upon the Well of Chaos and fewer yet who can do so safely. Even the Builders themselves typically sing not of the Seventh Well for the dangers it presents. That the Chainmaid might be able to draw upon it is absolutely delightful. But to prove it we needs must find her first Misthead. She could not have gone far since you saw her I’m sure, but if she can evade even Ardea tracking her will be a fruitless endeavor. No Misthead, we must predict where she will go. You stated that she was alone but is that in itself not unusual? Our informants tell us she is always in the company of a harpy of the intellect of man. Where then is her harpy companion. You are from the region Misthead, so delight me, where would you hide a harpy?”
- Hide a harpy? –
There was no reason for Finch to repeat the question but as it was a prompt for the young Hero’s thoughts it was ignored by Beaks. Covering their mouth back in Cliff Home as they tilted their head in thought Finch focused on the Stormroot Mountains. A look of realization filled the child’s eyes as it donned upon them where anyone could hide in the mountains. But then a look of disbelief settled in that turned to more thoughtfulness.
“Could it really be…?”
- Have you determined where she is going Misthead? Where it is the Chainmaid might be planning to rendezvous with the eastern Hero. –
“I don’t have any proof Professor but… I think I can predict not only where the Chainmaid is going but possibly even intercept the eastern Hero. Permission to deploy Professor?”
The smile that settled on Beaks’ face was a twisted curl of delight as he listened to the confidence in Finch’s voice. Taking another bite of his apple the professor licked his lips as he responded to the child Hero’s request.
“Now that is how you delight me Misthead. Now go and delight me even more. Bring me the eastern Hero and with him the Bandit King’s head on a silver plate. Show the people of Bright Rift that we are the rightful rulers of the Stormroots and all that rolls out from under their teeth. And then, it doesn’t matter what Highroot does. Without their Hero who does naught but torment them they will be powerless to stop our armies.
Copyright © 2018 Joshua D Tarwater
