Title Change
Greetings everyone, checking in and sharing a little bit of info on the title change in today's update.
So as I'm sure everyone who read today's update has noticed there was a change in title from Chain the Bandit Eater to Chain the Wild Pawn (there was even a new tag added to the blog ^_^). Well, the reason for that is because from a narrative perspective the story of Chain the Bandit Eater is already over as it has successfully introduced Chain the Bandit Eater. That means it's time for the story to progress into the next act and that warrants a new title which better describes the next part of the story. I'll let everyone guess what Wild Pawn is supposed to mean while I concentrate on not wasting that title.
There are a couple of other small things to address, but I'll focus on the big one; re-describing the characters and world. It may seem a little excessive this early in a daily serial, but as I also view this as the start of a new story staring Chain and Melody and so felt it was appropriate to re-describe everything for the benefit of future readers who start with Wild Pawn instead of Bandit Eater. In fact, with every subsequent title change as I start new story arcs I'll be partaking in this practice, though I don't expect to have too many acts as short as Bandit Eater which is really more of a prologue to the greater story in the grand scheme of things in the long run.
Moving on to another matter there is of course the small problem that blog tags don't really do much for telling the audience the proper order of the story. To help out with this I'll be providing a story order list on these author tagged posts from now and into the foreseeable as a quick reference to help when going back or starting fresh. So with out further ado here is the current story order
Chain the Bandit Eater
Chain the Wild Pawn
Admittedly not much now, but I'm going to do my part to keep writing and hope everyone will join me for the adventure. See everyone and stay well ^_^
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