Stormroot Arc Wrap-up

Greetings everyone and thank you. As of today the last update of the Stormroot Arc of Chain Melody has gone up and to join it I have also posted the epilogue. It's been a long road and hope that those of you who joined me in getting here have enjoyed the journey as much as I have. There were perhaps a few too many hiatuses and weeks with less than 5 updates each, but it has been a learning experience, one that will greatly affect the future of this story. Although I feel like there have already been too many breaks, and I have just gotten back from another, it is time for another long break. If there is one thing that I learned from my time writing the Stormroot Arc, it is that even for writing by the seat of my pants I was far too unorganized. Perhaps if I had a dedicated editor it would not have been a problem, but this lack of organization had definitive effects on the story and presentation on a whole. Being aware of that, before continuing to the next story I intend to ...